Wednesday, March 02, 2005
discusses the legislation in Canada that made anti-homosexual language a hate crime, and the consequences of this legislation, in a special report at LifeSite linked at Crux News. He says in part:
The level of aggression on the part of militant homosexuals against their critics is indicative of their long-range aims, for it would seem that they have already achieved what they wanted, and then some. During the two years preceding the passage of C-250, a number of significant “human rights” law suits were brought against traditional Christians and Jews. In their decisions, the Canadian courts generally sided against the churches and individuals who did not want to cooperate with the “gay agenda.” For example, a printing company that declined to print letterhead and envelopes for the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives was brought before the Ontario Human Rights Commission, fined $5,000, incurred $40,000 in legal costs and was forced to print the material or close their business. A Catholic school was coerced by a court order to admit an openly homosexual teenage boy and his older male lover to the school prom; the court also refused the school board permission to cancel the prom. A daily newspaper that published an advertisement page of Biblical quotes regarding homosexuality was fined. Such incidents are multiplying.
Clearly the new law will be used not so much to protect homosexual persons against unjust discrimination as it will be wielded as a cudgel to intimidate those who simply disagree with them and to punish those who are outspoken about it. It will also be used as a wedge to further invade the education systems and potentially invade the life of all families, disrupting the formation of the coming generations.