
Tuesday, March 08, 2005


First we had "Indigo" and Spiritual Cinema. Now let's follow it up with a little Aleister Crowley.

The man is becoming a cultural icon...icon of a sick culture.


For all those who believe occultists are weird people who live behind the city land fill and have three eyes, there is the screenwriter Lon Milo DuQuette.

Internationally renowned author, occultist, and humorist, DuQuette is hailed by critics as the most knowledgeable and entertaining writer in the fields of magic, mysticism, and the occult. His works (more than a dozen in print) exhibit a level of wit and wisdom that reviewers have compared to Mark Twain and Robert Benchley. His award-winning 1999 autobiography, My Life With The Spirits, took the #1 spot on Amazon.com's New Age Biography category and is now under negotiation to become one of 2005's most eagerly awaited made-for-television movies.

The mystic lure of evil is serving him well. I wonder what price will be exacted in eternity for his temporal fame? I wouldn't want to be the one who gets to find out!

What's your prediction--Flop? Box office sell-out? Oscar?

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