Monday, March 07, 2005
has found himself a rock and a shaman to go with it. Fr. John--sometimes known as Fr. Jozo Zovko--got into the act as well. It seems that the splitting of the rock was expected to coincide with the awakening of the Divine Feminine. So is she awake? Shaman Shri Naath Devi thinks the splitting of this rock is an indication the Mother has opened her arms to humanity.
In another website that is devoted to many positive comments made about Jacqueline Ripstein's artistry, James Twyman offers the leading critique. A bit further down the list is "Father Jozo Zovko, Franciscan Monastery, Bosnia Hercegovina, 1997". That would be "Fr. John." The same Fr. Jozo who is a spiritual adviser to the Medj. visionaries.
There are some other admirers of Ripstein as well--Marla Maples Trump, among them.
Fr. Zovko is quoted in Twyman's book where he is also referred to as Fr. John:
Maybe I should explain something. Though I am a priest, I have always known that I am also part of the 'Order of the Beloved Disciple.' I am, in the strictest sense of the word, a heretic in my own church. This is obviously not something I can talk about publicly, but it is true nonetheless. It has always been one of my goals to help reestablish the order. I also know that it has continued to this day, but only in total secrecy. It is a long-standing tradition that the communities pray for the evolution of humanity, as well as wait for the return of the Light of Christ. And this fits in perfectly with your Emissaries."
"And the fact that the Emissaries were in Bosnia makes sense as well, " I [Twyman] said. "If what you said is true, that Bosnia was the only country where the society was the official religion, then it explains why the Emissaries were there."
You can read the passage for yourself here. Twyman talks about Ripstein in the book as well.
Interestingly, Bosnia is the one place on earth where the Bogomil Heresy became the state religion. This website makes the claim. Others do as well. Bogomilism is a form of Catharism, and Catharism was called the Albigensian Heresy in France where it was the cause of a crusade.
According to Twyman and also according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, one key factor of this Heresy was the rejection of the priesthood. They also believed in suicide, rejected marriage, opposed having children, and believed there was a good God who created the heavens and the spiritual world, and an evil God who created the material universe. Some sources claim the word "Bogomil" was corrupted into "buggery" to reflect a Bogomil practice of intercourse that would not result in pregnancy.
In The Secret of the Beloved Disciple--the section titled "The Woman on the Hill of Apparitions"--Twyman visits the hill where Mary is said to have appeared, and while he is sitting there has a vision. He writes:
I could hear the sound of footsteps very close behind where I sat. If I waited much longer she would be at my side, and I wanted to look before then. When I turned it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, then I saw her. I gasped when I realized who it was, as if all the air suddenly went out of me. My eyes widened and I couldn't move.
"Hello. Do you remember me?" she smiled.
...She wore a brown suede jacket, jeans and leather boots. Her long hair was straight and blonde, falling loose behind her long thin neck.
A bit further along in the conversation, the woman in the vision explains her clothing this way:
"God always works in ways we can understand. To six Croatian children who know only their catechism, I appear as the Queen of Peace holding a rosary. To you...well, you can see that it's different. But the message is always the same. I have come to call people back to God, to ask them to convert their lives. But people don't understand what that means. Often they believe it means sacrifice and penance, but in reality it means to accept love over fear. To sacrifice and deny yourself engenders and promotes fear, it doesn't release it. God asks only that you release the blocks that have kept you away from love...that have kept you from realizing that you are one with the Divine.
Still further along, this woman in the vision tells Twyman:
In a very short time the whole world will see me flash through the sky with a tail of light....
And then she adds:
"The reason I am with you like this is because my whole teaching is contained in this form. Find God in the ordinary. Seek the Divine in each other, and within yourself. That's how the transformation begins. That's how you'll remember who you are--the Sacred Self that God perceives.