Tuesday, March 29, 2005
The Legal Libraries website which offers for sale popular books with legal themes presents customer reviews for George Felos's book Litigation as Spiritual Practice. The following is the first reiew:
Religious charlatan or shyster lawyer? You decide. Felos is definitely the clairvoyant killer to watch as he communicates with disabled clients: (Lawyer voice) "Do you want to die?" (Spirit Voice)"Oh yes, Mr. Felos, please kill me by starvation and dehydration." (Lawyer voice) "Do you want to pay me a lot of money?" (Spirit Voice) "Oh yes, Mr. Felos, please keep taking fees til my estate runs out."
What if someday Mr. Felos has to face a Spirit Entity who will not cooperate and behave like a ventriloquists dummy? A Supreme Someone who wanted disabled men and women to be treated with respectful, skilled rehabilitative care, and not expedited removal?
Well, I guess someday Mr. Felos will find out for himself.
It would be poetic justice if George Felos never worked again after this travesty of justice is exposed. Then perhaps some clever young lawyer with a spirit voice in his head would come along and declare that lawyers who have no income really want to be starved to death.