
Wednesday, March 09, 2005


will be made today. From Fr. Johansen's blog:

On Wednesday, the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) will go before Judge Greer regarding their motion for a stay on the removal of Terri's feeding tube pending their investigation of abuse charges against Michael Schiavo. Some have theorized that Judge Greer is legally bound to grant the stay, but what Greer will actually do is anyone's guess.

This is not just a fight for the life of one handicapped woman. This is a fight for the life of each of us and all of us. Once the decision is made that murder is legal based on the quality of life, there is nothing to put the brakes on the definition of that "quality." Given a pagan worldview in those with political power, it is conceivable that belief in Christianity could one day be declared a sub-standard quality of life not worth preserving. Many prominent figures are calling for peace and saying that "fundamental" religions inhibit the peace process. Imagine how Catholic belief that Jesus Christ is unique among the world's religions would be viewed if the president, the judges, and congress all shared a pagan belief system. Fundamentalist = person opposing peace. Person opposing peace = person with no right to life because this person endangers the existence of life on earth. This is not as far-fetched as it might sound.

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