
Friday, February 18, 2005


in Annandale, Minn. are creating circles of peace where they can gather together with friends and family to send out loving energy to the world, since we are all one.

They want us to "let go of judgment and all critical thought". I guess they have taken their own advice, since they want to be channels of peace to those who worship God in a different way, and seem to think this sitting in a circle and meditating will accomplish this.

Apparently they have lost the ability to recognize the difference between Jesus and a flower:

An image or object for the center as a focus point.
(e.g. image of Jesus, a candle, flowers, statue, globe)

They believe sticks talk ;) :

Talking stick, this can be a branch from an evergreen tree,
a decorated stick, feather, a stone, a small bowl, or
something that can be easily passed from person to person.
(In many traditions, a talking stick is used to keep order in
assemblies. Only the person who holds the stick may speak
and the rest reverently and attentively listen.)

Someone should use the stick to "talk" to them in a convincing way about the First Commandment.

Maybe they need the stick for stirring the dozing to life:

Leader invites everyone to sit in the circle and enter into silence. Let go of all critical judgmental thoughts. Image peace and love for the entire world including anyone you consider enemy. Listen to a greater wisdom written in your heart. Awaken your heart to compassion. With each in-breath bring in peace and with each out-breath send out peace and love to the universe. Remain in silence for 15-20 minutes.

I wonder if the universe is laughing?


The sisters are practicing Rosicrucian Christianity instead of Catholicism and don't appear to even know it.

The following quote comes from Rudolf Steiner's book Theosophy

If a man approaches a fact in the world around him with a judgment arising from his previous experiences, he shuts himself off by this judgment from the quiet, complete effect which this fact can have on him. the learner must be able each moment to make himself a perfectly empty vessel into which the new world flows. Knowledge is received only in those moments in which every judgment, every criticism coming from ourselves, is silent...As long as he obliterates himself the other flows into him...One should obliterate within oneself the gauge of good and bad, of stupid and clever, which one is accustomed to apply, and try without this gauge to understand persons purely through themselves...one should suppress the judgment and, free from criticism, lay oneself open to impressions...And one should extend this even to one's thought world. One should suppress in ONESELF that which prompts this or that thought and allow only what is outside to produce the thoughts....the habitual exercise of selfless, spiritual accessibility in man is transformed into the power of seeing in the spiritual worlds.
(p. 200-203)

That is how one achieves clairvoyance...by suspending critical judgment (otherwise known as discernment of spirits) and even thought itself so that the "other" flows in. That is what the nuns are promoting. Spirit channeling. Spiritualism. A direct violation of the First Commandment. And they are teaching this to other unsuspecting Catholics who do not know what they are up to and trust them.

Where is their bishop?

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

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