
Friday, February 04, 2005


That strange website down below led to a story about the evacuation of Connecticut. I woke up this morning thinking about this odd report, and have just confirmed that the evacuation notice was in fact put out by error. Here is the AP story:

HARTFORD, CT. (AP) - State officials say yesterday's (Tuesday's) mistaken emergency alert to evacuate Connecticut was the result of a worker entering the wrong code into a computer.

Television viewers and radio listeners were told by the emergency broadcast system that civil authorities had issued an immediate evacuation order for the whole state beginning at 2:10 and ending an hour later.

Ok, simple mistake. Could have caused a panic, though apparently it didn't. What hit me this morning was that although this appears to have been an error, the fact remains that the code for the message that was put out does apparently exist. Which means that someone who was making up these messages thought there could conceivably be a reason to tell the state of Connecticut to evacuate. The implications of that can keep your mind busy for way too long!

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