Tuesday, February 01, 2005
a book offered on the edgarcayce.com website. The review mentions James Twyman. From the website:
According to American mystic Edgar Cayce, groups of amazing and unusual individuals would begin to incarnate on earth late in the twentieth century and beyond. They would come to be called Indigo Children.
Interesting, no? In the index, Part Four, is an entry "Edgar Cayce and the Fifth Root Race". Why do I seem to hear an echo of goosestep?
Cayce was a faith healer. He went into trance and was able to diagnose illness even at a distance of several states. He died in 1945.
Here is a website devoted to the prayers of Edgar Cayce. This is mystical Christianity. It sounds almost Catholic but Cayce was not Catholic. It mentions "the way" and the holy grail:
Every religion speaks of the quest of the soul for the holy grail, the place of the Most High. The Chinese speak of it as the "old road." The Hindus call it the "path of return." Christians refer to it as "the way." Meditation is the gateway that leads us to God.