
Tuesday, January 04, 2005


and is telling the world through the website of the Derry Journal.

It seems some priests in Ireland are refusing to give Communion to couples living in sin, and Patsy doesn't like it. She writes:

What right has any priest to pass judgment on anyone? And if it is the policy of the Catholic Church to back them up on this, then I would have to consider it very wrong for the church to do so. ...

I feel that if a person joins a queue to receive Holy Communion and behaves in a respectful and normal way, then no priest has the right to pass judgment on that person and refuse them the sacrament. To do so is totally going against the laws of God who doesn't pass judgment on anyone and instead shows compassion and forgiveness. Who do these priests think they are anyway? And are their bishops in total agreement with them on this policy?

Ummm, Patsy, ever hear of "particular judgment"? How about "general judgment"?

Besides, you've already implied that the priest may refuse communion if the person does not "behave in a respectful and normal way," so obviously you believe the priest may judge.

Maybe she is just young.

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