Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Cape Argus reports:
Indigo, a movie about redemption, grace and the deeply perceptive "Indigo children", has its premiere in Cape Town on Sunday.
The Indigo children is a term some people may be familiar with, having been coined about 10 years ago to describe the growing number of children born around the world who exhibit unusual and special gifts, such as deep compassion, unique perception and healing abilities, and who verbalise a wish for world peace.
That's according to a book written in 1999 by Lee
Carroll and Jan Tober, called The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived (Hay House, 1999).
But who exactly are the Indigo children?
Celeste Ponzi is one of the organisers of the premiere event, which will include a panel of speakers consisting of Indigo children and professionals who work with them.
Indigo, she says, refers to the colour seen in these children's auras, and long before the term was coined Ponzi was seeing them in her healing and counselling practice in Stellenbosch.
Ponzi, using aura, or biofield, photography, started seeing this colour in the aura of some of the children who came to see her, especially those with behavioural difficulties. Teachers
and parents described these children as wild and disruptive.