Monday, January 10, 2005
Dear Friends,
The Scranton Times has reported that the federal sex abuse lawsuit against Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity and Fr. Eric Ensey may go to trial as early as the spring. That assumes, of course, that the Society of St. John forgoes any further delaying tactics.
In the meantime, despite their suppression by Bishop Martino, the priests of the Society of St. John continue to celebrate a mass attended by families, and Urrutigoity and Ensey continue to appear in collar and cassock in open violation of their suspension from public ministry. Those who falsely assume obedience on the part of these perverted priests need only look to the recent pictures posted on the SSJ's own web site.
The SSJ has also continued to send out appeals for money, claiming that the SSJ is carrying on its God-given mission despite Bishop Martino's suppression. Given the SSJ's pomposity and hubris, it will be no surprise when the SSJ relocates to Argentina and proclaims itself the one true church with Urrutigoity as self-anointed pope. How else can this farce end?
Pax vobiscum,
Dr. Jeffrey M. Bond