
Friday, December 31, 2004


Amy Welborn has linked a report by CNEWA a papal agency for disaster relief, where you can read a report on the incredible devastation caused by the tidal wave, including:

29 December 2004

To: All donors and friends
Re: Tsunami disaster relief

This morning I called our regional director in India, Thomas Varghese. He has already been working with our church network – bishops, priests and nuns – to help the victims of the tsunami disaster.

The bad news is that it’s worse than we heard. Bodies of men, women and children and livestock are floating in the canals – transportation is paralyzed – electricity is out – the water supply is polluted.

The good news is that with your help we can do something.

Right now, church institutions are distributing food, water and medicines. After that we will face the enormous task of rebuilding all those institutions – churches, clinics, convents and schools – that have been destroyed.

I know you want to help. Let CNEWA connect your good heart to the heartbroken victims.

Send me whatever you can.

I will rush these funds to our office in India. They will be put to use right away. God bless and reward you for whatever you can provide.

Chorbishop John D. Faris
National Secretary

Note: Please do what you can. The situation is critical!

Following the letter is a list of agencies taking contributions.

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