
Tuesday, December 07, 2004


is the title of another of Stratford Caldecott's papers online.

This one deals specifically with United Religions Initiative and Traditionalism ala Rene Guenon. His conclusion is an excellent summary of the article:

Christianity is not, ultimately, assimilable. It cannot be assimilated to a set of moral values, or subordinated to a ‘Global Ethic’. It cannot be assimilated to an aesthetic myth, or a myth that embodies truth solely at the level of the imagination. It cannot be assimilated to psychology, as though we could explain it as some kind of projection from the needs of the psyche. Nor can it be assimilated to a metaphysics of the Logos, of the one Truth which shines at the heart of every created reality like sunshine in a cave of mirrors. It can never be assimilated, with the best of intentions, because Christ cannot be assimilated. In him, God has done something new and different.

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