Monday, December 27, 2004
The Foundation for Traditional Studies publishes the Sophia Journal.
The School of Spiritual Psychology also publishes Sophia Journal. You will find it referenced at the "School" link.
Christopher Bamford writes for Sophia Journal. As indicated at the bottom of the article, Bamford is editor-in-chief of SteinerBooks and Lindisfarne Books, and is a Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association. He is listed as a co-author on several books by Rudolf Steiner.
The Lindisfarne Association was developed by William Irwin Thompson in 1972 at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. It is now located in Crestone, Colorado, an interfaith community associated with Maurice and Hannah Strong. This group is associated with United Religions Initiative.
How odd that both the Foundation for Traditional Studies and the School of Spiritual Psychology have a journal with the same title, considering that both groups deal with esoteric topics. In researching Sufism this morning, both of these groups came up in connection with Cathars, grail questing, and Goethe. In fact, it's difficult to tell them apart, since they both seem to be involved with the same concepts, i.e. syncretistic lumping of religions. The Traditionalists do not accommodate the Theosophists, but seem to be open to Steiner's Anthroposophic concepts which were taken from Goethe. Steiner, too, opposed the Theosophists after being a member of them and founding the German branch, he broke with them and started Anthroposophy, giving Christian terminology to the Theosophical concepts.
There is something very odd here. Are both of these groups Anthroposophists? Certainly the journal Bamford writes for must belong to the Anthroposophists or be in sympathy with them. Are the Traditionalists as well? It does look as though they are.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Oh my goodness...
Look at the correspondence courses for The School of Spiritual Psychology. This is a mystery school. It is associated with grail questing. It teaches the Anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner and grail questing. Readings include Wolfram von Eschenback and Parzival. Also Steiner's "Knowing Higher Worlds." I presume this is about channeling. Matthew Fox's material is included in the readings of another course. One course uses the Book of Revelation. One talks about seeking the spirit vision, a way of describing shamanism.
You are looking at the material of Rosicrucianism. A kind of Catharist heresy. A kind of Freemasonry. A kind of Montanism. Expect to see lots of Catholic terminology with a peculiar twist. Expect to see new definitions of the meaning of Scripture.
This seems to be taking ever greater hold in our culture.