Thursday, December 16, 2004
It's easy to dismiss the Rosicrucians as just some conspiracy theorist's fantasy. The reality is more sobering.
Periodically I like to check in to their websites to see what's up. Within recent months they have created a new one. The website lists all of the lodges worldwide. Here are the U.S. lodges. They are more heavily concentrated in California, Texas, and New York; but 33 states in all are represented. Here is the worldwide clickable list, and the list of grand lodges worldwide.
This of course doesn't represent all of the Rosicrucians as the Anthroposophists worldwide are also followers of Rosicrucian philosophy. There are a great many of them.
According to their website they teach: a more focused attunement with life, and heightened spiritual awareness.
On the home page you can click the "New Online Exhibit" link that will take you to their library with a clickable exhibit of their books. Among them is a William Law translation of Jacob Boehme, books on kabbalah, Martinist texts, books about alchemy and astrology. The Adamites and the Golden Dawn turn up in one exhibit.
Many of the books would have made the Index in Catholic days gone by. Today they contain pursuits forbidden to a Catholic. But not all of them. The Coptic Case displays books from the Coptic Christian Church. The Dante's Case includes a copy of Dante's _The Divine Comedy - Inferno_. What are we to make of the woman and angel image?? There is also a copy of _The Inferno - Purgatorio and Paradiso_. _A Treatise of Painting_ by Leonardo da Vinci is in the case as well.
That monument in the Roberts Case really isn't the Washington Monument.
The webmaster has done a superb job of presenting the materials from the Rosicrucian Library.