
Thursday, December 09, 2004


"Mythic Imagination and Modern Society", the Sixteenth International Transpersonal Conference. It was held June 13-15 in Palm Springs, CA. This link will take you to the list of presenters. Interesting list. It includes:

- Ram Dass - well known New Ager
- Stanislav Grof - well known New Ager
- Jean Houston - Labyrinths/Founded Jean Houston Mystery School
- Ervin Laszlo - Pres., Club of Budapest, former Bd. Member, Club of Rome
- Robert McDermott - Pres. (or former Pres.) Calif. Institute of Integral Studies, and Rudolf Steiner Apologist
- Peter Russell - Club of Budapest
- Huston Smith - Guenonian Traditionalism apologist/active in interreligious dialogue
- Charlene Spretnak - well known New Ager
- Bro. David Steindl-Rast - Member, Lindisfarne Associates - Catholic Monk involved in interreligious dialogue
- Richard Tarnas - author, _The Passion of the Western Mind_ - Member Club of Budapest
- David Ulansey - well known New Ager

The list of presenters is much longer. This was a large conference. Judging by the names, it must have attracted a lot of people.

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