
Tuesday, December 14, 2004


I don't know. It appears in many places on the web, including this one from Radio Islam.

It is refuted here and labeled anti-Semitic.

A Christian and a Jew who believes in Jesus call themselves "Saltshakers" and offer translations of the Talmud that contain this passage along with a lot more:

Sanhedrin 106a--R. Yohanan said [concerning Balaam], "In the beginning a prophet, in the end a deceiver." Rab Papa said, "This is that which they say, She was the descendant of princes and rulers, she played the harlot with carpenters."

Of all the websites I've looked at, Benjamin H. Freedman's website is the most concise. A glance through it will give you an overview of the claims that are being made about the content of the Talmud that is anti-Christian.

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